Find The Blacklist Season 2 episodes on NBC. Samengevat Het tweede seizoen van The Blacklist kan eigenlijk alleen maar beter genoemd worden dan het eerste seizoen. Meer spanning, meer sensatie, beter geacteerd en meer nadruk op de hoofd verhaallijn. The Blacklist Seizoen 2 (Bluray). Decennia lang stond voormalig overheidsagent Raymond Red Reddington (James Spader, TVs The Office, Boston Legal) op de FBIs lijst van de meest gezochte voortvluchtigen. Vorig seizoen gaf hij zich ineens over aan de FBI maar nu werkt de FBI voor hem terwijl hij politici, maffiosi, spionnen en internationale terroristen van een 'zwarte. Preview and download your favorite episodes of The Blacklist, Season 2, or the entire season. Raymond Red Reddington, n van de FBI meest gezochte voortvluchtigen, geeft zich overop het FBIhoofdkwartier in Washington. Hij beweert dat de FBI en hij dezelfde interesses hebben als het gaat om oppakken van gevaarlijke criminelen en terroristen. Reddington wil alleen samenwerken met Elizabeth Keen, een beginnende FBI profiler. Behind the Blacklist: Season 2 31 januari 2015 Hosted by Amir Arison, Behind The Blacklist: Season II is a fun peek behind the curtain of this international television hit, presented through entertaining Red continues to battle Berlin and faces a new threat from a man named Lord Baltimore. An important person comes back from the past into Red's world. 'The Blacklist' Recap: Season 4, Episode 2, 'Mato' DOW JONES, A NEWS CORP COMPANY News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information. The show's eightepisode first season began in February, so if NBC decides to renew The Blacklist: Redemption, Season 2 could be premiere next spring. The Blacklist: Samar Is in the Clutches of a Blacklister. Red faces an important person from his past in. The Blacklist Season 2 Soundtrack, find the complete list of songs from the tv show, The Blacklist, with scene descriptions, sorted by episode. Download listen to the music, ost, list of songs score. Kijk The Blacklist online via deze links of lees het laatste nieuws over deze Serie hier The Blacklist Online kijken Serie nieuws Acteurs The Blacklist (TV series) The Blacklist is an American crime thriller television series that premiered on NBC on September 23, 2013. Raymond Red Reddington ( James Spader ), a former U. Navy officer turned highprofile criminal, voluntarily surrenders to the FBI after eluding capture for decades. A new FBI profiler, Elizabeth Keen, has her entire life uprooted when a mysterious criminal, Raymond Reddington, who has eluded capture for decades, turns. Ondertitel The Blacklist TV serie (2013)! Download ondertitels, Ondertitel. com is de grootste ondertitel website van Nederland. filename: TheBlacklist season 2. zip: subtitles amount: 26: subtitles list: The Blacklist 2x01 Lord The Blacklist 2x01. Watch episodes of The Blacklist on NBC. James Spader stars as Red Reddington, America's mostwanted mastermind. Watch The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 2 online via TV Fanatic with over 6 options to watch the The Blacklist S4E2 full episode. Affiliates with free and paid streaming include Amazon, iTunes, Vudu. 01 mil Download ondertitels voor The Blacklist seizoen 4 (S04) gratis! Showrunners Jon Bokenkamp and John Eisendrath along with CoExecutive Producer Lukas Reiter give us a few tantalizing hints of what's to come for Red, Liz an On The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 2, Liz and Red had to work together to take down a common enemy. Watch the full episode right here on TV Fanatic. The fifth season of the American crime thriller television series The Blacklist premiered on NBC on September 27, 2017, with a timeslot change from Thursday at 10: 00 PM to Wednesday at 8: 00 PM. The season was produced by Davis Entertainment, Universal Television and Sony Pictures Television, and the executive producers are Jon Bokenkamp, John Davis, John Eisendrath, John Fox, and Joe. The Blacklist 2018 TV14 5 Seasons After turning himself in, a brilliant fugitive offers to help the FBI bag other baddies, but only if rookie profiler Elizabeth Keen is his partner. Watch The Blacklist Season 2 episodes online with help from SideReel. We connect you to show links, recaps, reviews, news and more. The Blacklist seizoen 2 wordt net als het eerste seizoen op Netflix verwacht. Wanneer kunnen we het tweede seizoen van The Blacklist op Netflix verwachten. Download ondertitels voor The Blacklist seizoen 2 (S02) gratis! Just like the other plotlines of The Blacklist Season 2, we are left with a ton of questions about Liz's background, and hopefully Season 3 will provide some answers. Red and Liz were both fugitives by the end of The Blacklist Season 2. Get The Blacklist DVD and Bluray release date, movie poster and movie stats. Raymond Red Reddington is a former who has eluded the authorities for decades. When he abruptly turns himself in and offers to help the Is The Blacklist: Redemption TV show cancelled or renewed for season two on NBC? The television vulture is watching TV cancellation and renewal news, so Seizoen Aantal afleveringen Uitgezonden 1 22 23 september 2013 12 mei 2014 2 22 22 september 2014 14 mei 2015 3 23 1 oktober 2015 19 mei 2016 The Blacklist Season 2 Trailer Ab dou. Loading Unsubscribe from Ab dou? The Blacklist: Recaps of Seasons 1 Through 4, Everything You Need To Remember Before Season 5 Airs. Seizoen 3 van The Blacklist laat bij mij vooral een bittere nasmaak achter. Zo jammer, want het seizoen begon heel sterk. Het niveau van de tweede helft van het seizoen daalde echter, met als absoluut dieptepunt de cliffhanger. Waar men zoveel mogelijkheden had. Season 2 of the Blacklist continues where Season 1 left off. More intrigue and more plot twists. Just when you think you begin to understand something, it turns out you don't. In the 2nd season we learned a little bit more about Dembe and what was done to his family and how he came to work for Reddington. We also learn more about the Cabal and. Watch The Blacklist Season 2 Episode 7: The Scimitar online. SideReel features links to all your favorite TV shows. The Blacklist (2013) Crime, Drama Raymond Red Reddington, one of the FBI's most wanted fugitives, surrenders in person at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D. Season 2 of the Blacklist continues where Season 1 left off. More intrigue and more plot twists. Just when you think you begin to understand something, it turns out you don't. In the 2nd season we learned a little bit more about Dembe and what was done to his family and how he came to work for Reddington. We also learn more about the Cabal and. The Blacklist is een Amerikaanse misdaadserie die op 23 september 2013 in premire ging op NBC. Seizoen 1: Raymond Red Reddington is Amerika's meest gezochte crimineel. Deze heeft 20 jaar geleden besloten om de andere kant te bewandelen en in die 2 decennia is hij uitgegroeid tot de 'Concierge of Crime een. Ondertitels The Blacklist (Berlin, Blacklist, Nicholas T. Moore, The Blacklist, Czarna lista) Televisie series, 6 Seizoen, 115 Aflevering. Watch The Blacklist Season 2, Episode 12 The Kenyon Family: TVRating: TV14 V: The Kenyon is number 71 on the list. Opening with a Biblical justification for incest, and bot Episode Recap The Blacklist on TV. Watch The Blacklist episodes, get episode information, recaps and more. In episode 22 of The Blacklist, the Season 2 finale, Liz regained some memories from her past that would change things between her and Red. Bekijk hier alle uitzendingen terug. The Blacklist Uitzending gemist. Pagina De Amerikaanse serie The Blacklist bij RTL 4 draait om Raymond Red Reddington, s werelds meest gezochte crimineel. Hij geeft zichzelf aan en biedt aan om iedereen aan te geven met wie hij ooit heeft gewerkt. 45 rowsThe second season of the American crime thriller television series The Blacklist premiered on NBC on September 22, 2014, and concluded on May 14, 2015, and ran for 22 episodes. The season was produced by Davis Entertainment, Universal Television, and Sony Pictures Television, and the executive producers are Jon Bokenkamp, John Davis, John Eisendrath, John Fox, and Joe Carnahan Visit Tunefind for music from your favorite TV shows and movies. All 54 songs featured in The Blacklist Season 2, listed by episode with scene descriptions. Ask questions and download or stream the entire soundtrack on Spotify, YouTube, iTunes, Amazon. Recensies van oude en nieuwe televisieseries lees je op Filmliefhebber. Review van het tweede seizoen van The Blacklist is geschreven door Paul Hauer. The Blacklist Seizoen 2 ondertitels Nederlands. AKA: Berlin, Blacklist, Nicholas T. 's Werelds meest gezochte crimineel geeft zichzelf aan en biedt aan om iedereen aan te geven met wie hij ooit heeft gewerkt. Zijn enige voorwaarde is dat hij alleen werkt met de nieuwgeslagen FBI agent met wie hij geen connectie lijkt te hebben.