Christians in Iraq are fleeing persecution in Baghdad and Mosul. The Economist explains The Christians of Iraq and Syria. Debates over the nature of Jesus Christ still divide his followers in the Middle Eastbut suffering brings them together Tens of thousands of displaced Christians have returned to their cities and villages in the Iraq's Nineveh Plain, but many still refuse to return to Mosul. Watch videoJonathan Mann speaks to Mark Arabo about why he thinks ISIS' persecution of Christians in Iraq has become a genocide. Assyrian Christians; indigenous people of Iraq? What is the different between the Assyrian Apostolic Catholic Church of the East and The Church of the East? These are two different names for the same Church of the East. Iraqi Christians leave city en masse after Islamist militants threatened to kill them unless they converted to Islam or paid a 'protection tax. These murders are giving us yet another signal that there is no place for Assyrian Christians in Iraq. Ashur Sargon Eskrya, President of the Assyrian Aid SocietyIraq. Christians are being excluded from the reconstruction plans for northern Iraq, further eroding the likelihood of their return once Islamic State has been militarily defeated there, an alliance of UKbased charities has warned. Iraqi Christians firmly believe that Iraq is their spiritual homeland. The UN says thousands of Iraqi Christians are fleeing central provinces for the relative safety of the northern Kurdish region after a deadly church attack. Christians in Iraq always practice their faith. There is no concept of being a nominal Christian. If you are a Christian you go to church on Sunday. Friday is not the main day of worship even if. In ancient lands of the Bible, Christian towns lie destroyed and empty after ISIS and many fear the religion is on the brink of vanishing in Iraq. Christians and Yazidis in Iraq stand on the brink of extinction. These communities stand on the brink of extinction. except with the prior written permission of Religion News Service. Easter has been celebrated by Christians in the Kurdish city of Irbil in Iraq. Many of those who came to the St Joseph Cathedral were internal Open Doors serves persecuted Christians around the world by providing vital support, delivering resources, and providing training. Iraqi Christians Are Using This Powerful Symbol To Protest Their Expulsion From The City Of Mosul. Iraqi Christians Are Using This Powerful Symbol To Protest Their Expulsion From The City Of Mosul Long live the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. Muslims are happy with the return of. The next days will be very bad. If the situation does not change, Christians will be left with just a symbolic presence in Iraq, one religious leader said Christians in Iraq. Reported estimates from Christian leaders of the Christian population in 2003 ranged from 800, 000 to 1. By 2009 population estimates by Christian leaders ranged from. The liberation of Mosul was heralded as a new era for Iraqi Christians who could go back to their homes following the defeat of ISIS. However, this The more the situation deteriorates, the more Christians feel the pain of what they lost in Iraq. Salma, who was displaced by ISIS from Mosul, said, My grandfather was a Pasha, he got that position after years of serving the province. Christianity in Iraq is finished Displaced Iraq Christians who fled from Islamic State militants in Mosul, pray at a school acting as a refugee camp in Erbil September 6, 2014. Our mission is to support, through friendship and material aide, the right of Christians and their communities in Iraq to survive and thrive. Persecution of Christians is worse today than at any time in history, a recent report by the organization Aid to the Church in Need revealed. Iraq happens to be ground zero for the. The majority of Iraq's Christians have fled the predominantly Muslim country as the Islamic State occupied their towns in and around Mosul. Christians have l Where Persecution Comes From. In Iraq, numerous groups contribute to Christian persecution. Radical movements such as the Islamic State (IS) group target Iraqi Christians and other religious minorities for kidnappings and killings. Christians of Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq. Jesus Christ answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except A meeting in Italy about the reconstruction and the return of Christians to the Christian areas in Iraq with Qaraqosh as an example. The meeting was held in Italian but translations in other languages such as English, German and French are also available on youtube. Iraq Christians who might want to return to a semblance of normal life in Mosul still face danger from Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants. With the burning of one of the Catholic churches in the heart of the city, and with militants attacking Islamic cultural heritage sites in western. The numbers of Christians in Mosul (Iraq)have dwindled to roughly 3000. Mosul was home to one of the largest populations of Christians in Iraq. Some 35, 000 C How will Iraq's Christians react to the death of Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho, who was kidnapped two weeks ago, asks Frances Harrison. Iraqi Christians pray during a mass on Christmas eve at Church of Saint George in Teleskof, Iraq on Sunday. Photograph: Ari JalalReuters Inside the newly renovated Church of Saint George in the. Watch videoChristians in Iraq have decreased from 1. 5 million in 2003 to an estimated 800 thousand in 2015. Their number is decreasing every day. Del Re is a well known expert in geopolitics and conflict studies, minorities, migration and refugee issues. This segment was originally broadcast on Dec. It was updated on June 26, 2008. From the time of Jesus, there have been Christians in what is now Iraq. The Christian population in Iraq has been decimated in a little over a decade, dropping from 1. 4 million in 2003 to just 275, 000 today, according to a report released this month. The recent joint report, compiled by the Knights of Columbus and In Defense of Christians (IDC), tells a horrific story. A year ago, Milad Homo feared his family never would be able to celebrate Christmas in America. The Assyrian Christians had waited more than three years for a chance to emigrate from Turkey, where. An investigative report on displacement and emigration of Christians in Syria and Iraq estimates that at least 50 percent and up to 80 percent of the Christians have fled the two countries since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011. Find out the needs of Christians facing religious persecution in Iran: what opposition they face, how to pray for them, and how your donation can help them. The persecution of Christians can be historically traced from the first century of the Christian era to the present day. Early Christians were persecuted for their faith at the hands of both a small number of Jews from whose religion Christianity arose and the Romans who controlled many of the lands across which early Christianity was spread. Car by car, family by family, frightened Iraqi Christians by the thousands fled their ancient Iraqi homeland over the weekend. With broken hearts and little more than the clothes on their backs. The latest Tweets from Christians of Iraq (@iraqichristian). An Assyrianrun nonprofit supporting, protecting, and defending persecuted Christians in Iraq and the Middle East The Iraqi Christian Human Rights Council (Iraqi Christian HRC) is a U. based nonprofit representing Iraqi Christians internationally and entirely founded by the Iraqi Christian community. Iraqi Christian HRC promotes and advances the human, legal. Assyrian Christians from Syria and Iraq, receive communion during a Christmas mass at Saint Georges church in an eastern suburb of the Lebanese capital Beirut, on December 25, 2015. Christians have also reported various historical abuses including repression of political rights. Prior to the fall of the Saddam Hussein regime, the United States had no diplomatic relations with Iraq and thus was unable to raise directly with the Government the problems of severe restrictions on religious freedom and other human rights abuses. Loose canon: Christians are being butchered by Isis, yet the churchs leaders are encouraging congregations to stay. But is preserving Christian history in the Middle East more important than. Helping Christians in Iraq Monsignor Bashar Warda, Chaldean Archbishop of Erbil One of the benefits of being accredited to the Holy See is the possibility of listening and speaking to people from across the global Catholic Church who visit Rome to do business at the Vatican. The following script is from Iraq's Christians which aired on March 22, 2015. Lara Logan is the correspondent. Max McClellan, Jeff Newton and Richard Butler, producers. Vice President Mike Pence announced two weeks ago that the United States would intensify efforts to deliver aid to Iraqi Christians..