Movie: Cemetery Man (1994) A cemetery man must kill the dead a second time when they become zombies. Download at Zooqle Last scene from Dellamorte Dellamore (aka Cemetery Man) Duration: 5: 10. DellaMorte DellAmore Main Theme Letal Shot Francesco's Thoughts The First 'She' Duration: 6: 00. SCREENEDAWARDED AT: Fantasporto Awards, Malaga Spanish Film Festival, Cemetery Man (1994) ( Dellamorte Dellamore ) ( Of Death and Love ) Product details Actors: Rupert Everett, Anna Falchi, Franois HadjiLazaro, Mickey Knox, Fabiana Formica Cemetery Man (1994) Quotes on IMDb: Memorable quotes and exchanges from movies, TV series and more Dylan Dogun yaratcs Tiziano Sclavinin ayn adl romanndan uyarlanan Cemetery Man aslen yazarn Dylan Dog ncesi karalad eskizinden yola kyor. MEZARCI, LM VE AK CEMETERY MAN Dellamorte Dellamore (1994) Full HD izle: Kuzey talyann kk bir kasabasnda bulunan buffalora mezarlnn bekisi Francesco Dellamortenin ii sadece mezarl beklemek deildir. Ayn zamanda mezarndan kalkan huzursuz llerin kellesini uurmak da grevleri arasndadr. Michele Soavi's multigeneric mindbender DELLAMORTE DELLAMORE (CEMETERY MAN) is necromantic comedy, giallolike slasher hallucinatory psychodrama Dellamorte Dellamore Original Motion Picture Soundtrack by Manuel De SicaLNRS004Warehouse find: Vomit version no hype sticker on shrink. The original motion picture soundtrack for the 1994 Michele Soavi cult horror film, Dellamorte Dellamore (aka Cemetery Man) composed performed by Manuel De Sica. Available for DellaMorte DellAmore, auch bekannt als Cemetery Man und Zombie Graveyard, ist ein Horrorfilm aus dem Jahr 1994. Er basiert auf einer 1991 erschienenen gleichnamigen Novelle des italienischen Autors und Comicautors Tiziano Sclavi. Dellamorte Dellamore est un film italien ralis par Michele Soavi, sorti en 1994. L'histoire est une adaptation d'un roman de 1991 de Tiziano Sclavi. Sclavi est galement l'auteur de la bande dessine Dylan Dog, qui couvre des thmes similaires et dont le protagoniste est un sosie de Rupert Everett. Everett incarne un gardien assig d'un petit cimetire italien, qui cherche l'amour en. Cemetery Man izle, Mezarc Dellamorte Dellamore trke altyazl, Cemetery Man 1994 filmini 1080p kalitede trke altyazl olarak izle. Cemetery Man is a 1994 comedy horror and fantasy film written by Gianni Romoli and directed by Michele Soavi. This channel was generated automatically by You DellaMorte DellAmore 3D Bluray (Cemetery Man, Limited to 333 Copies) (1994): Starring Rupert Everett, Franois HadjiLazaro and Anna Falchi. Francesco Dellamorte Dellamore is the watchman at the. Dellamorte Dellamore 3D Bluray (Cemetery Man LImited Edition) (1994): Starring Rupert Everett, Franois HadjiLazaro and Anna Falchi. Francesco Dellamorte Dellamore is the watchman at the. The 90's was a pretty rough decade for Horror movies, and of the handful of good genre entries that we can recall that weren't sequels or illconceived Bgrade crap, Dellamorte Dellamore is. Cemetery Man is adapted from the novel (or possibly graphic novel) Dellamorte Dellamore by Tiziano Sclavi, who went on to enormous popular success in Italy with his Dylan Dog comic book series about a supernatural investigator with a Groucho sidekick. Watch Cemetery Man (Dellamorte Dellamore) Online Free: This movie is based on a novel of Tiziano Sclavi, and it always reflects the sclavian philosophy diffused by the most succesful comics in Italy: Dylan Dog, the detective of the nightmare. A cemetery man must kill the dead a second time when they become zombies. Dellamorte Dellamore (Original Title) n ciuda meseriei sale, viaa lui Francesco Dellamore (Rupert Everett) ca paznic de cimitir decurge normal pn n momentul n care o ntlneste pe Ea (Anna Achingly romantic and creepyfunny, this funereal fantasy from the director of La Chiesa (1989) is unlike any Italian film in memory. Rupert Everett plays Francesco Dellamorte, a lonely cemetery. Francesco Dellamorte (Rupert Everett) o cuidador de cemitrio na pequena cidade italiana de Buffalora. Ele vive numa desorganizada casa nas redondezas, constantemente rodeada de morte, apenas com o seu assistente com problemas mentais Gnaghi (Franois HadjiLazaro) como companhia. A description of tropes appearing in Cemetery Man. Francesco Dellamorte works as the caretaker of the local cemetery in the small Italian town of Buffalora. Dellamorte Dellamore Cemetery Man FanPage, Buffalora. Mi chiamo Francesco Dellamorte. Ho anche pensato di farmelo cambiare Francesco Dellamorte es el cuidador del cementerio de Buffalora, un pueblo del norte de Italia. Dellamorte vive una vida solitaria apartado del mundo; su nico amigo es Gnaghi, un pequeo, feo, lisiado y mudo compaero con el que comparte su ronda diaria por el cementerio. Sinopse: Sete dias depois de enterrados, os cadveres de um cemitrio comeam a voltar vida. Francesco Dellamorte o zelador do local e apaixonase por uma jovem viva que visita frequentemente o tmulo do seu marido. Watch videoDELLAMORTE DELLAMORE (aka CEMETERY MAN) is that film, and if you haven't seen it yet, you are seriously missing out. The story is about lonely cemetery attendant Francesco (Rupert Everett (! ) in one of his very early roles)and his mute, Igorlike assistant Gnaghi. Find great deals on eBay for dellamorte dellamore and cemetery man. Find great deals on eBay for Dellamorte Dellamore. This movie is based on a novel of Tiziano Sclavi, and it always reflects the sclavian philosophy diffused by the most succesful comics in Italy: Dylan Dog, the detective of the nightmare. There is the duality between love and dead (in Italian dellamore means of love and dellamorte means of death), a duality that Dellamorte feels in a really hard way. Dellamorte DellamoreCemetery Man. Francesco Dellamorte is the caretaker of a cemetery where the dead don't stay dead. He has his hands full Cemetery Man wasnt released in the U. until two years after its 1994 premiere in Italy as Dellamore Dellamorte (Of Love Of Death), and even then was a granted a limited release on the arthouse circuit by distributor October Films. Francesco Dellamorte (Rupert Everett), the titular Cemetery Man, lives a lonely life with a deadend career. He works and resides in a cemetery that holds a dark, hidden secret. You see, those who are buried in Dellamorte's cemetery have the tendency to rise from the dead. (aka Cemetery Man or Demons '95) DELLAMORTE DELLAMORE was director Michele Soavi's fourth film and his first after a neardecadelong collaboration with Dario Argento that found him working simultaneously as an actor, Prior to DELLAMORTE DELLAMORE. Cemetery Man) Italia, 1994 Director: Michele Soavi Gnero: Terror, comedia negra Guin: Gianni Romoli, Tiziano Sclavi Intrpretes: Rupert Everett (Francesco Dellamorte), Franois HadjiLazaro, (Gnaghi), Anna Falchi Msica: Riccardo Biseo, Manuel De Sica Argumento Francesco Dellamorte es el cuidador del cementerio de Buffalora. Chills How fitting that Cemetery Mans international title Dellamorte Dellamore translates to English as Of Death of Love. Its a perfect title for a movie that delicately walks the viewer along lines of life and death, beauty and revulsion, consciousness and sociopathology. Cemetery man is a great movie that will be particularly enjoyed [ Dellamorte Dellamore aka Cemetery Man is a 1994 comedy horror film directed by Michele Soavi. An ItalianFrenchGerman coproduction, the screenplay by Gianni Romoli was based on the 1991 novel by Tiziano Sclavi. The latter is also the author of the comic Read More. Dellamorte Dellamore Soundtrack details Home Explore Movies Explore Composers Resource Directory Forums Contact Us About Us Search on: title soundtrack composer label number track for Watch Cemetery Man Online Full Movie, cemetery man full hd with English subtitle. Stars: Rupert Everett, Barbara Cupisti, Franois Hadji Lazaro, Anna Falchi, Mickey Knox, Fabiana Formica, Clive Riche, Katja Anton Cemetery Man is a 1994 comedy horror film directed by Michele Soavi, its original Italian title is Dellamorte Dellamore. Rupert Everett stars as Francesco Dellamorte, an introverted caretaker who works (and lives) at a cemetery in a small Italian town. Urmrete online filmul Dellamorte Dellamore 1994 (Cemetery Man), cu subtitrare n Romn i calitate HD. Francesco Dellamorte (Rupert Everett) este Cemetery Man Dellamorte Dellamore (1994) Tratto da un romanzo di Tiziano Sclavi, il creatore di Dylan Dog, l'azione si svolge prevalentemente in un universo parallelo, quello dell'immaginario cimitero di Boffalora (Milano) dove, con un aiutante muto, il becchino Francesco DellaMorte si dedica a uccidere i morti che si levano dalle tombe, aggressivi e affamati di carne umana (viva). DELLAMORTE DELLAMORE Autres titres CEMETERY MAN OF DEATH AND LOVE. Nationalit DELLAMORTE DELLAMORE mritait bien mieux que ce traitement et il faudra s'en contenter pour voir le film avec le doublage dans notre langue ou des soustitrages franais. En effet, aucune autre dition ne propose ces options pour l'instant.