2. John Adams (March 4, 1797March 4, 1801). The second President of the United States was a man who resided in New England and was a prominent attorney and politician from Boston. Find great deals for Presidents Man The Presidents Man 2: A Line In The Sand (DVD, 2008). The President's Man 2: A Line in the Sand is a madeforTV action film released in 2002, starring Chuck Norris and Judson Mills. It is a sequel to The President's Man. : : : The Presidents Man 2: : 01: 30: 38: 2002. While movies of this type are often predictable The Presidents Man 2 is so bythe numbers it quickly becomes evident this is a exercise in genre formula. Lacking a feature film size budget, and professional technicians (as evidenced by the overly grainy image) this sub par sequel tries to emulate the highpoints of the original film. the presidents man 2 Free Search and Download Torrents at search engine. Download Music, TV Shows, Movies, Anime, Software and more. Action star Chuck Norris returns as secret service agent Joshua McCord in The President's Man 2. After returning the First Lady from a kidnapping attempt, McCord is assigned to prevent a group from launching a nuclear weapon on American soil. See photos, profile pictures and albums from The Presidents Man 2. president's highly classified secret agent must find a fearless replacement to take over his extremely dangerous military missions. See more of The Presidents Man 2 on Facebook Presidents Man This fictional drama stars Chuck Norris (who also coexecutive produced) as Jonathan McCord, the presidents highly classified secret agent, who must find a fearless replacement to take over his extremely dangerous military missions. After an opening escapade in Rio where Norris must rescue the First Lady, he decides its time to find a younger man to take over. The President's Man 2 is the second omnibus of a new actionpacked thriller series with fascinating characters, nonstop suspense and clean language. The President's Man 2 is a 2002 Action, Drama film directed by Eric Norris and starring Chuck Norris, Sean Hennigan. McCord The President's Man 2: A Line in the Sand (2002) film und serien auf deutsch stream german online DVDRip Nach auen wirkt Joshua McCord wie ein gewhnlicher Professor an einer vornehmen Universitt in Dallas. In Wirklichkeit jedoch ist er der Mann der Prsidenten, ein Spezialagent fr die Based on characters created by Bob Gookin, the madeforTV thriller The President's Man 2: A Line in the Sand casts Chuck Norris in a role not dissimilar to his title character on the longrunning. The President's Man Collection The President's Man arrowdropdown The President's Man Episode: 1 Openload The President's Man subtitles. To many, Joshua McCord (Chuck Norris) is a charismatic Asian studies professor. To the President of the United States, he's America's greatest secret weapon; a covert operative charged with only the most sensitive and dangerous missions. Lyrics to 'The Psycho Warden (President's Man Part 2)' by Owen Campbell. List of Presidents of the United States. The President of the United States is the elected head of state and head of government of the United States. The president leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commanderinchief of the United States Armed Forces. Download Torrent italiani di film, serie tv, giochi, musica, anime, libri e xxx The President's Man: A Line in the Sand. Not Rated 1h 30min Drama, Action, Thriller TV Movie 20 January 2002 A counterterrorism specialist is assigned by the President to track down a terrorist who is suspected of planning to set off a nuclear device in the U. Download The Presidents Man 2 (2002) DVDRip. AC3PsiX or any other from Other Movies category. 0 Kritiken 2 Kommentare zu McCord The President's Man II Fans dieses Films gefllt auch The President's Man USA 2000 The Cutter USA 2005 Enter the Hitman USA 1998 Top 10 Most Influential U. American History US Presidents Basics Important Historical Figures Timelines Key Events As a selfstyled man of the people, Jackson earned fame for his exploits at the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812 and later against the Seminole Indians in. If youre looking to learn more about the past Presidents who have led our country, youre in the right place. Take a look at our full set of biographies. I loved how the government's plan to capture the terrorist leaderisto air drop in one man, who is unarmed, and expect him to capture him andescape with a rocket pack. If only it were really that easy. Download The President's Man 2 Chuck Norris or any other from the Video Movies. Joshua McCord (Chuck Norris) is an ageing secret service operative who needs to train a younger man in his field. However, when the first lady is kidnapped by a mysterious band of terrorists, he finds himself thrust head first into a noholdsbarred, kickbutt action mission. Sign up for Facebook today to discover local businesses near you. president's highly classified secret agent must find a fearless replacement to take over his extremely dangerous military missions. Download The Presidents Man 2 from movies category on Isohunt. The President's Man: A Line in the Sand A counterterrorism specialist is assigned by the President to track down a terrorist who is suspected of planning to. The Presidents Man ist ein Actionfilm aus dem Jahr 2000 mit Chuck Norris. Zwei Jahre spter folgte die Fortsetzung McCord The Presidents Man II. Joshua McCord ist Spezialagent im Geheimauftrag des USamerikanischen Prsidenten und sucht einen Nachfolger, da er demnchst in den Ruhestand versetzt wird. See contact information and details about The Presidents Man 2. The President's Man and President's Man 2 are about a person who is picked to protect the President of the US any time something happens to the President or anyone associated with him this person jumps into action and rescues the person and dissolves the situation. This person is unknown to the President and there are only a hand full of people. The President's Man 2: A Line in the Sand (2002) Sneak Peek Video About the movie: Secret Service agent Joshua McCord, after rescuing the First Lady from terrorist kidnappers, returns to protect. The President's Man 2 cast list, listed alphabetically with photos when available. This list of The President's Man 2 actors includes any The President's Man 2 actr Entdecken Sie The President's Man und weitere TVSerien auf DVD Bluray in unserem vielfltigen Angebot. Learn about 10 Presidents of the United States who served one term but failed to be reelected to a second term. American History US Presidents Basics Important Historical Figures Timelines Key Events Native American History Presidents' Day in the United States Washington's Birthday, also known as Presidents' Day, is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of February. The day honors presidents of the United States, including George Washington, the USA's first president. Quentin Trembley, who is legally insane, could be described as a silly but enigmatic man. He revels in the odd; as it was displayed during his presidential term, when he. The President's Man wasn't a very good movie. It more or less seemed like the filmmakers slapped together a lazy script with Americana overtones and then. First telecast by CBS on April 2, 2000, The President's Man was followed two years later by a sequel, The President's Man: A Line in the Sand. Home The President's Man 12 are good action films, but in part 2 Dylan Neal is replaced with Judson Mills (who costarred in Walker: Texas Ranger with Norris) who made the role more President's Man 2000 DVDRip AVC MVO. Find great deals on eBay for the presidents man movie. The President's Man is kind of special soldier who carries out missions that nobody else can do and he follows orders directly from the President of the United States of America! Some people would find it uninteresting, but I'll tell you It is terribly watchable and funny. The filming of The President's Man were filmed by the November 30, 1999 to March 21, 2000, entirely Dallas, with a budget of 2, 000, 000 U. The film was released in the USA April 2, 2000, and months after it was released on DVD in other countries including France, England and Argentina. The President's Man (2000) After carrying out a final mission, a highly classified agent (Chuck Norris) trains a replacement (Dylan Neal) so that he can retire..