Watch Drama Movie Look at Me on Movietube. This is the story of human beings who know exactly what they'd do if they were somebody else, but can't handle b Film review of Comme une image (2004), aka Look at Me, directed by Agnes Jaoui, and starring Marilou Berry, JeanPierre Bacri Indianborn author Salman Rushdie and wife Padma Lakshmi depart after the premiere of movie 'Comme Une Image' (Look At Me), directed by Agnes Jaoui, at the. Agns Jaouis terrrific new movie, Look at Me, begins in a taxicab as the passenger (Marilou Berry), attempts to get the surly driver (JeanPierre Lazzerini) to turn down the radio so that she can hear what someone is saying to her on her mobile phone. When her father (JeanPierre Bacri) gets into the cab, he tells the driver he doesnt like his tone. Director Agnes Jaoui attends photocall for film 'Comme Une Image' (Look At Me) at The 57th Annual Cannes Film Festival on May 16, 2004 in Cannes, France. [ Comme Une Image, Look At Me, 2004? Jaoui, who plays Sylvia, also directed Comme une Image (aka Look at Me) and cowrote the screenplay. Home Top Box Office Tickets Showtimes. Fiveyears after her hugely successful directorial debut Le Gout Des Autres, Agnes Jaoui rewards her impatient admirers with Look At Me (Comme UneImage), a wise and witty ensemble exploration of. Comme une image est un film franais ralis par Agns Jaoui, crit par Agns Jaoui et JeanPierre Bacri, et sorti le 16 mai 2004. Titre: Comme une image; Titre international: Look at me Like an image; Ralisation: Agns Jaoui; Scnario: Agns Jaoui et JeanPierre Bacri. COMME UN IMAGE ( Look at me ) un film de Agns Jaoui avec: JeanPierre Bacri, actrice Agns Jaoui rcidive avec Comme une image, prix du scnario au festival de Cannes 2004. Cette peinture du petit monde de la littrature, de ses compromissions, se rvle une nouvelle fois d'une finesse inoue. Indianborn author Salman Rushdie and wife Padma Lakshmi depart after the premiere of movie 'Comme Une Image' (Look At Me), directed by Agnes Jaoui, at the. DVD Look at Me (Comme Une Image) is released in the UK by Path. The DVD is encoded for Region 2. Video The video quality is rather soft and has perhaps suffered slightly from including a onehour making of onto the same disc as an almost two hour film. This feature is not available right now. I'm looking again at some French 'comedy' films as part of work on Cherchez Hortense. In Comme une image, the partnership of Agns Jaoui and JeanPierre Bacri offers the same milieu as Cherchez Hortense with Bacri himself as a very different leading character. Comme une image refers to Lolita, a selfconscious young woman, who is Read the Empire review of Look At Me (Comme Une Image). Find out everything you need to know about the film from the world's biggest movie destination. For those of you who love French cinema (and just cinema! ), do not miss Comme une image (English title: Look at me). Its an excellent social satire, with brilliant dialogues and performances. Winner of best screenplay prize at Cannes, Comme une Image situates itself as a technically strong social drama with comedic undercurrents its strength is in the characters, but its downfall is. Lolita Cassard is unhappy and overweight, and all she wants is her father's approval. Etienne Cassard is so egocentric he can't look at anyone else. Pierre Miller is convinced of his own failure as a writer until he meets Etienne Cassard. Sylvia Miller is a singing teacher. Download Comme une Image (Look at Me) [2004 PAL DVD[Fr Subs[Sv Da No from series tv category on Isohunt. [Agnes Jaoui; Feature film from France. Lolita, a gifted singer unhappy with her bodyimage, craves the attention and respect of her egotistical father, a famous writer and publisher. Question Comme une image (Look At Me) Does anyone know where I can find a track listing of the movie's soundtrack? Amazon lists it as an import, but that's it. Look at Me is French in the way it is presented (when we think of a French movie, this is the kind of film that will jump to mind), but the themes it embodies are universal. Sub HD An intelligent, witty and comical look at fame and its consequences 24 November 2004 by Film247net See all my reviews 20 yearold Lolita (Marilou Berry) aspires to be a singer. Comme Une Image (Look At Me) (8) OST at Une Soundtrack Me Look Image Comme comme une image This is the story of Lolita Cassard, a young woman of twenty years who has it in for the entire world because she doesn't look like the girls in gloss Separate addresses with a comma Please email me a copy I wish to receive the Festival de Cannes newsletter Required fields Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for LOOK AT ME Comme Une Image at Amazon. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Le gout des autres by Agnes Jaoui (2000) Les bandeannonces The teaser Trailers Look At Me (CommeUne Image) Twentyyearold Lolita (Marilou Berry) wants to be a classical singer, to be slim and, most of all, she wants to win the approval of her father, Etienne (JeanPierre. Centered on the fraught relationship between aspiring singer (perhaps actor) Lolita and tienne, Look at Me (Comme une image) is a study of fame and family, laced with strands of selfishness, and. Look At Me (Comme Une Image) Turn autoplay off. Please activate cookies in order to turn autoplay off. Jump to content [s Jump to site navigation [0 Jump to search [4 Note: Citations are based on reference standards. However, formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study. The specific requirements or preferences of your reviewing publisher, classroom teacher, institution or organization should be applied. Look at Me (Comme Une Image) is sophisticated, smart, witty, incisively written and a cogent look at New Millennium Celebrity and it's effects on family and friends. COMME UNE IMAGE (LOOK AT ME) is a tough little film that practically defies the viewer to love it. Rated as a comedy, it has few chuckles of the usual kind, but the smart tidy script delivers more of the Reformationtype comedy wit with a bite. It really ain't over till the fat lady sings in Look At Me (Comme Une Image), a wonderfully witty and observant comedydrama from writerdirector Agns Jaoui (previously responsible for the. On the surface, one might surmise that Comme Une Image is that old chestnut of 'fat girl lacking selfesteem and fighting against a world blind to her inner beauty. The French comedy of manners, Look at Me (Comme Une Image), centers on Lolita (Marilou Berry) and her famous writer father Etienne (JeannePierre Bacri). Lolita is plain and overweight, and assumes most people want to get to know her because of her father. Skip to Main Content; Skip to Main Search; Skip to information about this record; Skip to select related items. Use checkboxes to select any of the filters that apply to this item. Title COMME UNE IMAGE LOOK AT ME Year 2005 Distributor(s) Pathe Distribution Classified date(s) Main language French Submitted run time 106m 35s COMME UNE IMAGELOOK AT ME (PG, 109 minutes) On general release. Cowritten with partner JeanPierre Bacri, Agnes Jaoui's first film as a director, Le Gout des AutresThe Taste of Others. Approved Running time 110m 58s. BBFCInsight Contains one use of strong language. Director(s) Agnes Jaoui Cast includes Marilou Berry, Agnes Jaoui, JeanPierre Bacri, Laurent Grevill, Virginie Desarnauts, Keine Bouhiza. Cut This work was passed uncut. 12A Talented 20yearold Lolita (Marilou Berry) dreams of a singing career. But her selfesteem is low due to her weight problem and her narcissistic father, tienne (JeanPierre Bacri), a literary star with scant interest in his daughter's life. Lolita finds little comfort in the attentions of her vocal coach, suspecting the woman is using her to meet her influential father. Comme une image (2004) Movie Trailer Movie Info Genre(s): Comedy Drama Foreign Romance Written by: JeanPierre Bacri (scenario) Comme une image (2004) is a drama, comedy movie starring Marilou Berry and Agns Jaoui. This is the story of human beings who know exactly what they'd do if they were somebody else, but can't handle being themselves very well, who are very simply struggling to find. Click to latest reviews, trailer. Look At Me (Comme Une Image) Interviewed by Adrian Hennigan. We've been asked for a long time to remake our movies, but we have always refused because we are not interested. Indianborn author Salman Rushdie and wife Padma Lakshmi depart after the premiere of movie 'Comme Une Image' (Look At Me), directed by Agnes Jaoui, at the.