Reggatta de Blanc est le deuxime album studio du groupe de rock britannique The Police, sorti le 5 octobre 1979 chez AM Records. Coproduit avec Nigel Gray (en), il a t enregistr au Surrey Sound Studio Leatherhead en Angleterre entre fvrier et aot 1979. Associant les genres Rock, reggae et new wave, le disque est souvent considr comme le meilleur du groupe. The Police's second album Reggatta de Blanc is more reggae based than the debut, but still awesome. The two big hits Message in a Bottle and Walking on the Moon obviously deliver in spades; they are two of the band's more endearing tracks. Find a The Police Reggatta De Blanc first pressing or reissue. Complete your The Police collection. Reggatta de Blanc ist das zweite Studioalbum von The Police. Es erschien im Oktober 1979 bei AM Records. Das Album erreichte Platz eins der Charts in Grobritannien und in Australien, in den USA Platz 25. 1980 gewann die Band fr das Titelstck den Grammy Award for Best Rock Instrumental Performance. Das Magazin Rolling Stone setzte das Album auf Platz 369 seiner 500 besten Alben. I notice that the Police 'Regatta de Blanc' was issued as a double 10 vinyl. Are there any sound quality advantages over the original 12 single LP So the Police's true musical identity only emerged with the issue of 'Outlandos whereas 'Reggatta De Blanc' now stands or falls according to its effectiveness in consolidating the sound and the style that has become, in the minds of the record buying public, the Police. Choose and determine which version of Regatta De Blanc chords and tabs by The Police you can play. Get The Police Regatta De Blanc sheet music notes, chords. Transpose, print or convert, download Rock PDF and learn to play Guitar Tab score in minutes. Shop Reggatta De Blanc: Remastered. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. The Police, Nigel Gray: Profesionln kritika Allmusic; Robert Christgau (B) The Police chronologicky Outlandos d'Amour (1978) Reggatta de Blanc (1979) Six Pack (1980) Nkter data mohou pochzet z datov poloky. Reggatta de Blanc je druh studiov album britsk skupiny The Police. Jeho nahrvn probhalo od nora do srpna. Reggatta de Blanc il secondo album in studio del gruppo musicale britannico The Police, pubblicato il 5 ottobre 1979 dalla AM Records. Nel 2012 stato inserito nella classifica di Rolling Stone dei 500 migliori album di tutti i tempi, alla posizione numero 372. Find a The Police Reggatta De Blanc first pressing or reissue. Complete your The Police collection. Regatta De Blanc The Complete Album. Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Reggatta de Blanc The Police on AllMusic 1979 By 1979's Reggatta de Blanc (translation: White Message In a Bottle The Police. Loading Unsubscribe from BlueShadow647? A Reggatta de Blanc a The Police msodik albuma, megjelent 1979ben. A reggatta sz kt gvel rva a reggaere utal (tbb szmot a fehr reggaehangzs jellemez), a fehr ugyanakkor a tagok szke hajra is utal. A francia szavak hasznlata az els albumra utal vissza. Reggatta De Blanc (Stereo Version) Mix Reggatta De Blanc The Police. YouTube; The Bed's Too Big Without You The Police Duration: 4: 26. BlueShadow647 2, 439, 939 views. We and our partners use cookies to deliver our services and to show you ads based on your interests. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy. The final verdict is Reggatta De Blanc was a small misstep, is the most skip worthy of their albums, and would prove to be albatross of their efforts. fix that but otherwise this is a great review, well done Find album release information for Reggatta de Blanc The Police on AllMusic Reggatta De Blanc fue el segundo lbum de la banda britnica The Police. La traduccin al espaol del ttulo del disco sera reggae de blancos. [1 La importancia del lbum radica en que The Police demostr ser una banda integrada por tres msicos de diversas escuelas musicales fusionadas para un. Listen free to The Police Regatta De Blanc (Message in a Bottle, Walking on the Moon and more). Discover more music, concerts, videos. Reggatta de Blanc is a 1979 musical composition by The Police, and the title track on their second album. The instrumental evolved from improvisational stage jams during early Police performances of the song Can't Stand Losing You. Artist Police Title Reggatta De Blanc Release Date Label: EMI Records Number of Discs 1. The second album from The Police, Reggatta de Blanc loosely translates to white reggae, even though there is no French word for reggae. Released in 1979, the album is filled with a set. This section needs more information. Reggatta de Blanc (album) Reggatta de Blanc Tour musical gear (Andy Summers) Reggatta de Blanc o segundo lbum de estdio, lanado em 1979, da banda britnica The Police. Nesse lbum fica mais evidente a influncia do reggae jamaicano em fuso com o punk rock e a new wave, inclusive no prprio ttulo. Reggatta de Blanc is the second studio album by English rock band The Police, released on 2 October 1979. It was their first album to reach No. It was their second album to b Reggatta de Blanc This song is by The Police and appears on the album Reggatta de Blanc (1979) and on the box set Message in a Box: The Complete Recordings (1993). Instrumental Credits Written by: Sting, Andy Summers, and Stewart Copeland Lyrics licensed by LyricFind Awards The Police were Whilst Outlandos D'Amour introduced the world to the trio, 1979s Regatta de Blanc helped confirm the Police as stars. Often seen as Sting, Stuart Copeland and Andy Summers best album, Regatta. Reggatta de Blanc is the second album by The Police, released in 1979. Message in a Bottle, a Stingpenned song about alienation, opens the album. Lyrics to 'Regatta De Blanc' by The Police. I've got a lump in my throat about the note you wrote I'd come on over but I haven't got a raincoat Have we got Check out our album review of Artist's Reggatta De Blanc on Rolling Stone. This shopping feature will continue to load items. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. Regatta De Blanc lyrics by Police: Music by all of The Police [lyrics supplied were almost nonexistant. Try saying 'Rio' a bunch of The Police Regatta de Blanc (1979) Segundo lbum de The Police, quizs su mejor trabajo, y que los llev al estrellato. Y bastante merecido lo tuvieron, considerando que despus como solistas supieron hacerse un lugarcito importante. Find great deals on eBay for police regatta de blanc. RcT RmS We and our partners use cookies to deliver our services and to show you ads based on your interests. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy. Was 1988 als Coverprojekt begann, hat sich im Laufe der letzten zweieinhalb Jahrzehnte zu Europas bester The Police UND StingTributeband entwickelt. Und all das mittlerweile sogar in drei verschiedenen Modulen: 1. REGGATTA DE BLANC als klassisches Trio so, wie es vor nunmehr 26 Jahren aus der Taufe gehoben wurde, oder als 2. Regatta de Blanc could only have come after Outlandos D'Amour. The production values are higher, more intricate and some of the music more grown up incorporating world music and jazz influences as well as reggae and roots. Reggatta de Blanc is the second album by The Police, released in 1979. It features the band's first two number 1 hits, Message in a Bottle and Walking on the Moon. Regatta de Blanc gave the world the 'headsup' that The Police were indeed the supergroup with global appeal and that their initial release (Outlandos d'Amour) was not a oneoff. Apart from the hit singles this album has some lesser known songs of great quality. Find great deals on eBay for the police regatta de blanc and the police regatta de blanc vinyl..